This hamata is made using the same technique that the romans used 2000 years ago.
This hamata is made using the same technique that the romans used 2000 years ago. Rows of riveted round rings are mixed with rows of flat washers, giving to this piece of armour an enormous strength and a smaller weight compared with the butted ones.
This quite unique chain maille is made from small rings of only 6 mm diameter. Following original models, it is woven with alternate rows of round, riveted rings with domed rivet heads and flat, punched rings. Due to the extremely small ring diameter this chain maille could (in antiquity as well as today) be made from 1 mm steel, without losing any battle effectiveness. The wearer's comfort is increased through the weight reduction of approximately 30-35%.
It was worn not only by the ancient Celts and Romans (Lorica Hamata), but was common throughout the periods up to the late middle-ages.
Details for size XL
- Internal ring diameter (ID): approx. 6mm - Ring thickness: 1 mm - Max. chest circumference: 135 cm - Length: approx. 80 cm - Weight: approx. 7.5 kg - Finish: natural (slightly oiled)